Week 1
It’s the end of break and we’re back at SCAD! Our team caught up about what we did over break, what we got for christmas, and how much work we (didn’t) got done! During week 1 of Winter quarter, our animators jumped into layout. Members of our team that weren’t working on animation, worked on 3D model UVs, made environment set dressing adjustments, and finalized prop textures.
Week 2
Week 2, our animators continued making updates to the layout and the rest of our team made updates to the models, textures, and environments. Our characters’ textures were finalized and turnarounds were rendered for them! We also began UVing the props and finalizing their textures.
Week 3
During week 3 we officially began animation! Our team also made changes to the animatic, continued with layout updates and matte paintings, and began lighting the clearing and large forest environment. We also continued to work on asset UVs, asset textures, and we began work on the film website! We began collecting photos of our team and bios about them to use on our crew website page.
Week 4
Week 4, we dug a little deeper into the pile of shots to animate. We assigned about 2 shots of scene 2 and scene 3 per animator to get started. We started with scenes 2 and 3 because they were the most complicated animation wise. We also conducted some research into transitions between scene 3 and scene 4. Our team brainstormed ideas for how we would transition River’s tank head into his human head without it being awkward.
Week 5
It’s week 5 and we’re waist deep in animation! We’ve been doing lighting tests, doing more composite tests, and refining environment lighting. We made sure the background matte paintings are working with our environments and the proposed lighting and conducting particle research for specific shots in the film! We’re also continuing to collect hi-resolution images for department deliverables and work on the film website.
Week 6
During week 6, we continued with animation, environment lighting, image deliverables, the website, and adjusting layout. We organized some of the 2D effects and sought outside help to work on extra assets. We also began making an artbook for the film, that includes the entire process of making our film.
Week 7
Its week 7 and the animators are working hard on their shots while everyone else continued working on environment lighting, image deliverables and the website while waiting for animation starts to start being approved to begin lighting.
Week 8
Week 8, everyone is working hard on their assigned tasks from last week
Week 9
Its week 9, and the animators are working hard to try to start to get shots finalized. Non animators continued to do environment lighting and work on the deliverables
Week 10
During Week 10, the part of our team that wasn’t animating was assigned to lighting. We began doing more lighting tests and researching the MNPRX system. Our animators continued to work hard on their shots. We also discussed what we would need to get done during the spring break to stay on track to finish the film and a production timeline for Spring quarter was finalized.